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Sep 28, 2020 Find answers to PostgreSQL: Syntax for query nested json array from the expert community at Experts Exchange.. Generating JSON in PostgreSQL can be several times faster than copying the relational data to the application ... Let's try a nested JSON query. ... to aggregate all the bookmarks for the user. json_agg aggregates json objects into a json array. 538a28228e gerelm
Jan 31, 2020 You can use the (LATERAL) FLATTEN function to extract a nested variant, object, or array from JSON data. For example, let's create a table.... PostgreSQL's JSON CRUD capabilities expand the range of JSON applications we can ... The SQL below adds 'BAL' to the airport_keyword array for BWI, ... The inner level is to change the value in the runways nested document and the outer.... Aurora MySQL, MySQL, Postgres, Snowflake, - Replicate JSON fields to ... Strategy: Replicate JSON structure as such while collapsing nested arrays into strings.