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Nov 26, 2012 ... we'd opt to carry a 2-shot .45 ACP/.9mm derringer instead of a 9mm semi-auto, single-stack sub-compact pistol like a Kel-Tec PF-9 or Ruger.... Dec 4, 2015 The Bond Arms Backup is just what the original two-shot derringer was ... I used the 9mm barrel and slowly fired 12 shots from a two-handed.... SOUTHERNER .41 RIMFIRE CALIBER DERINGER OR DERRINGER CIRCA 1870'S. Single shot,. Octagon 2 barrel. Manufactured by Brown Manufacturing... 538a28228e yelacazz
Jan 31, 2015 Any one have either of these Cobra Derringers? ... I think that is a fair or better price if in moderately good condition, 2/3rds the price of a new one. ... It probably isn't much fun to shoot but it does allow some bit of protection...